Sixteen-Seat Season ticket group together since 1985---Great Flexibility

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Listing Name:
Sixteen-Seat Season ticket group together since 1985---Great Flexibility
Season Plan:
Full Season (2020)
(79 total games)
Seats Per Game:
Price Level:
Home Pavilion
Section / Row / Seat:
353 / 3 / 13141516
353 / 3 / 17,18,19,20
353 / 4 / 13,14,15,16
353 / 4 / 17,18,19,20
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:
Payment Method:
Cashier's Check
Delivery Method:
Meet in Person
Offer Minimum:
10 games
Aisle Seating:
Here is some information on our 16-seat Cardinals season ticket group. This group has been going since 1985---basically 16 people sharing the 16 tickets.

In 2007, the group asked me to become the administrator. We have some openings this year, and I am seeing if you have interest in becoming a member of our Cardinals’ group.

What is so great about the group that it has been together so long?

Brilliant concept actually----if you have one share it means you have basically paid for one season ticket. Of course, 1 ticket doesn't do you much good ----but by pooling with all the other shares you get a chance to get at least 4 tickets to a bunch of games and the ultimate perk of season ticket holders---the right to be able to buy postseason tickets. In fact, the group was put together by people that were unhappy they were unable to score tickets to the Cards 1982 World Series.

Since we have 16 tickets it allows you a lot more flexibilty than a smaller group with say 4 tickets would have. There is much less chance you will get stuck with tickets you know you can't use. There are so many people in the group, that it is easy to avoid games when you know you will be unavailable --- like out of town vacations or commitments at work for instance. For added flexibility, we have some shares sold as half-shares. This past season we had roughly 12 full-share holders and 8 half-share holders of the 16 shares.

What is so great about the seats?

The seats are in a great location at an economical price and no PSL! Our seniority with the Cardinals allowed us to grab some of the best seats in the 300 level!

We have Sec 353---two rows of 8 seats each
Row 3 Seats 13-20
Row 4 Seats 13-20

(The reason we have Rows 3 and 4 instead of 1 or 2 is that the railing blocks your view in rows 1 and 2!)

This is between home and third base, but much closer to home. We essentially look right down a line through home plate to the right field foul pole and have a great view of the entire field except one smidgen of the far left field corner. We have a fantastic view of the Cardinals dugout as well.

You can view the seats' view by clicking on Sec 353 at

and look at the 3D map for section 353.

What are the costs?

Season Ticket seat prices for 2019 for our tickets averaged out to $ 31 per ticket. The Cards throw an administrative fee on the shipment of tickets that we split among the shares. So one full share of our 16 share group cost $2511 for the regular season ($1255.50 half share) plus the nominal few dollar administrative fee. Please keep in mind there is another bill for post-season if it's a good season.

For 2010 to 2012 the average cost was $28 per ticket and 2013-2015 was $29 per ticket, so ticket price increases have been modest in this section historically. Prices have been stable 2016-2019 at $31 per ticket. Will tickets go up in 2020? They certainly could, so the historical data should be helpful to you. If the ticket price goes up $1 each, the bill will go up $81 for a full share.

Openings are traditionally rare in this group---for instance, I had to wait 3 years for an opening when I tried to get into this group about 20 years ago---maybe they were trying to tell me something! I had not had to update this letter in a few years, as we had the same group for three years , then in 2016 a 1/2 share opened and 2017 1- 1/2 shares opened---so we hadn’t been able to take many new members, but people retired and moved away, kids grew up and left the nest and we have openings!

If still interested---please read further . . .

What are the logistics?

How it works----We get together in March, have some refreshments and pick which games we want in a ticket draft that lasts about 3 hours. You show up, pick a number from a hat 1 to 16 and that is the order you draft in. We start with number 1 picking 4 seats to a given game, then 2, etc when we get to 16, 16 gets two picks and we head in reverse order back up to 1 who gets two picks then back down the list, etc. till finished with all the seats for all the home games. This is extremely efficient. At the end of three hours (which includes two 20 minute breaks between rounds) we have made all 324 picks!

We divide tickets by drafting 4 tickets to a single game when it is our turn----so on average, you get 4 tickets to every 4th game. I have 4 kids so usually we try to get 8 tickets to every 8th game on average(by drafting the same game in two different rounds) and bring along friends -----keep in mind it is not exactly every 4th or 8th game---it is whichever nights you chose on draft night. You pick from any game that's left to select. This allows you to avoid games when you know you are not available. Pick two or three one week and your next game may not be for weeks later. Opening day and Fri and Sat and Cubs series usually go first as you might expect.

What are the logistics for postseason?

Since the postseason is a shorter season, we change the rules to get to attend more games. The shares are divided into 8 in group A and 8 in group B. Groups A and B alternate receiving 2 tickets to every other game. Keep in mind that a half-share gets half this amount. We keep historical data and the group that got the last game one year, goes second the next postseason.

For a 1:15 game in midsummer the sun drops behind the stadium wall about 3rd inning so you get some shade. We never look into the sun, unless they start scheduling games at dawn as our seats face east. I'm not tall, and I think the view is great---great view of the Arch as you can see on the website. The slope on the section is such that people in front don't block the view for me and neither does the railing.

Please take a look at the seats on line.

Let me know if you have any other questions, and let me know pronto if you have interest.
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:

How will my games get determined?

For this listing, you would offer to purchase a certain number of games and tickets from the Season Ticket Holder. The actual games and tickets you would get would be determined at a later date using the the following method:

In Person Draft
New partner will participate in an In Person Draft. Draft will be held at a time and date agreeable to the majority of partners. If a partner cannot attend a date, efforts shall be made to ensure partners picks are fairly selected (for example, ability to call in selection, or the option to send another person to make picks). Draft picks will be based on the number of games each partner is purchasing. Draft Order will be set fairly giving all partners a pick in the first round and the remaining picks will be fairly determined based on the proportion of games owned by each partner. The Draft Order shall NOT unfairly benefit or harm any partner(s). All games and tickets shall be included in the draft.

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