Craig A. Spiegel

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Listing Name:
Craig A. Spiegel
Season Plan:
Full Season (2019)
(81 total games)
Seats Per Game:
Price Level:
Home RBC
Section / Row / Seat:
248 / 6 / 5
248 / 6 / 6
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:
Payment Method:
Cashier's Check
Delivery Method:
Certified Mail
Offer Minimum:
5 games
Home Redbird Club. Excellent seats in row 6, never in direct sunlight, only victimized by rain if it is a blowing monsoon.
Behind Home Plate just to the right of center.
Access to Redbird Club for excellent food choices, and air conditioning, as well as restroom facilities.
I am looking for somebody who wants 5, 10, or 15 games, to join a group of 7 others who share a full season of tickets.
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:

How will my games get determined?

For this listing, you would offer to purchase a certain number of games and tickets from the Season Ticket Holder. The actual games and tickets you would get would be determined at a later date using the the following method:

Sequence Draft
Games will be allotted to partners based on chronological order of the games in season. Each partner will be assigned a number in a sequence then each game in the season will be assigned based on the sequence. The partner first in the sequence will get game number 1, the partner second in the sequence gets game number 2, and so on. The sequence repeats until all games have been selected.
  • User Image
    Do you have a 15 game share still available?
  • Yes. 15 games are still available, I would also entertain 5 or 10 game participant.
    User Image
  • User Image
    Hi Craig - How do you allocate playoff / world series tickets? I might be interested in 5 games this season - I'm already committed to another season ticket group for 18 games. But I'd hope to reduce that next year and expand in your group. Thanks...
  • In September, when the Cardinals notify us to consider post season tickets, I inquire from the group who wants to participate (usually some do not). Among those who participate, I pull names from a hat and try to distribute evenly.
    User Image

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