Whalen tickets

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Listing Name:
Whalen tickets
Season Plan:
Full Season (2020)
(79 total games)
Seats Per Game:
Price Level:
Infield Field Box
Section / Row / Seat:
156 / 12 / 7
156 / 12 / 8
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:
Payment Method:
Delivery Method:
My Cardinals Tickets
Offer Minimum:
20 games
Great seats behind visitor dugout- willing to sell in blocks of 20 and up to 40 tickets for the season. We will have a draft to disburse tickets save for opening day.
  • Great view!
Games Available:
Price Per Ticket:

How will my games get determined?

For this listing, you would offer to purchase a certain number of games and tickets from the Season Ticket Holder. The actual games and tickets you would get would be determined at a later date using the the following method:

In Person Draft
New partner will participate in an In Person Draft. Draft will be held at a time and date agreeable to the majority of partners. If a partner cannot attend a date, efforts shall be made to ensure partners picks are fairly selected (for example, ability to call in selection, or the option to send another person to make picks). Draft picks will be based on the number of games each partner is purchasing. Draft Order will be set fairly giving all partners a pick in the first round and the remaining picks will be fairly determined based on the proportion of games owned by each partner. The Draft Order shall NOT unfairly benefit or harm any partner(s). All games and tickets shall be included in the draft.
  • User Image
    Thank you for your quick response. Before I would pay to be connected to yourself, I would make this offer. 20 games for $2600 + a $250 premium to trade draft spots with you. Example. I would pick #1, your partner #2, yourself #3, your partner #4, myself #5 and so on. I would be a buyer on these terms. I would show up to the draft with a money order (or other acceptable method) in hand for hard copy tickets in hand. Please let me know and thanks again for your time.
  • Interesting offer- Let me check with the boss who should be back in town tomorrow-thanks Jim
    User Image
  • User Image
    Hello. Im interested in a block of 20 games. WHat is the general location of the propsed draft (which part of town)? Will Opening Day be included to be drafted? Will the draft pick order be random? How is the draft order determind? Thanks!
  • 20 games available. Draft in Ladue. I usually take opening day but open to further discussion. I only have 1 other partner (each 40 games) and since I reserved opening day, I let my partner pick first. If you were to join, we can choose lots to see who selects in which order.
    User Image
  • User Image
    If I take 30+ pair can I pick the games I want?
  • Sure if we can have a draft lottery. I have one other partner who has purchased tickets. I am interested in weekend games primarily. I would be pleased to have you on board. Best Jim
    User Image
  • User Image
    So do you have 20 games or 60? I'm looking for 30+
  • Yes I have 30+ games that you could purchase Best Jim
    User Image
  • User Image
    Will opening day tickets be available if I buy a block of 20 tickets?
  • If you buy 40 tickets, you can have opening day!
    User Image
  • User Image
    Anything left?
  • Yes and can be flexible. How many games are you interested in?
    User Image
  • User Image
    I am interested in these tickets . What do you have left?
  • Can be very flexible as we use these for our customers and family. How many games are you interested in?
    User Image

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